The healing process is always unique to the individual. No certain predictions can be made. But perhaps you have heard of Herings “Law”. Its not really a law but more of a rule of thumb.
It states that we generally heal from the inside to the outside and in reverse order of the appearance of symptoms. “Inside” could mean mental-emotional symptoms or could mean more important organs. “Outside” could mean physical symptoms (as opposed to mental-emotional) or could mean more external aspects like the skin. Reverse order means most recently arising symptoms clear up first followed by the older symptoms.
So it is good to see a “return of old symptoms”; they have come up to go away! You have pealed off newer layers of “stuff” reaching an older layer. If it heals you may never have to deal with it again!
When these “new” old symptoms come up don’t suppress them. Please don’t put anything topical on any skin stuff that might suppress them. Something light like olive or coconut oil would be fine, or leave them alone if it doesn’t bother you. Please don’t suppress discharges either. Suppressing symptoms that have returned like this or appeared on the “outside” may stop your healing process. Usually but not always they appear in a milder form and can be tolerated for the relatively short period of time they last.
Healing from inside to outside means that in the early stages of taking the treatment it is most important to see if any one of the “General Signs of Health” (sleep & energy, calmness, clarity of mind, sense of wellbeing, adaptability to your environment) improves, rather than the other more localized specific symptoms of your concern. Those will clear later as the body heals.
Please Contact me when an acute condition (cold, influenza, injury, etc.) or new or old symptoms arise so that we can discuss them first before you apply any medicinal, mechanical or herbal treatment.
I am not saying to avoid allopathic (conventional medical) treatment completely, but to use homeopathic treatment preferentially, for which I can help. And use allopathic treatment only when absolutely necessary. Go to the Emergency Room when nothing else is working for you and it is a true emergency. You can take the homeopathic remedy on the way to the ER and you may not need the trip!
Please don’t drink coffee or use other medicinal substances like camphor, essential oils or strong herbs (even in toothpaste!), at least for a while, they may very well anti-dote/interfere with your treatment. Later once we are sure that the remedy is working we can determine what does or doesn’t interfere with it.
For your Health,
Roger Barr